Wedding Speech Inspo: Best Wedding Toasts from Movies

Wedding Speech Inspo: Best Wedding Toasts from Movies

Writing the perfect wedding speech is challenging. You need to think of something that sounds natural, funny, touching, and memorable. While you want it to tell a story, it shouldn’t be too long. And you need to connect with the guests of the lovely couple. Juggling all of this leads to draft after draft of potential speeches as you work on making them perfect. If you need some wedding speech inspo, check out the best wedding toasts from movies to see what these characters do.

Westley: The Princess Bride

This movie has a few adorable quotes, and we advise you to check out Westley’s simple speech in The Princess Bride if you want to make yours quick yet awe worthy. He points out that the couple found true love, and that’s uncommon. While many couples can be in love, that doesn’t mean they’re soulmates.

While your speech shouldn’t be this short, a line or two about the love between the bride and groom is touching. Think up something original or say, “Westley from The Princess Bride put it best,” and quote him.

Jules: My Best Friend’s Wedding

Jules uses her speech to apologize to her best friend for the things she did wrong—specifically, trying to break the couple up. While we don’t suggest you follow in all of Jules’s footsteps, you should think of a heartfelt speech. Maybe the bride did something special for you years ago, and you want to highlight it to tell everyone how loyal she’ll be to her groom.

Claire: Wedding Crashers

“Wooow,” this speech was touching thanks to a bit of advice from a certain wedding crasher. Initially, Claire planned to pack her toast with jokes and a bit of teasing, but as a wedding expert, John suggested going another route. The result? Everyone loved Claire’s touching speech about her sister.

John put it best: some teasing is fine, but the best speech comes from the heart. So as you write your toast, think about the sweetest moments you remember between the lovely couple and jot them down. Wedding Crashers isn’t just a top wedding movie to watch because it’s hilarious but also because the characters are relatable.

Charles: Four Weddings and a Funeral

Charles begins his speech with a bit of reality and dry humor. He talks about the lovely commitment between the couple and points out that it’s something everyone can’t do, specifically himself. And it’s true. Marriage is difficult; it comes with difficulties, but perseverance is key. Talk about that incredible leap of faith as they begin their life together.

Maggie: In Her Shoes

Often, the bride’s sister gives a heartfelt speech about her sibling and maybe even tell a story about their childhood. Maggie surprises her sister Rose with a speech at the ceremony where she reads “I Carry Your Heart with Me” by E.E. Cummings.

This one tugs at the heartstrings, and it’s one everyone in the audience can relate to. Everyone at the wedding loves the couple and wants the best for them; similarly, the bride and groom will always carry one another in their hearts.

Gus: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Even the bride’s father needs a bit of wedding speech inspo, and Gus givesone of the best wedding toasts from movies. While he was initially upset about Toula’s husband Ian coming from a different background, he learns to accept this because Ian makes Toula happy. He explains that people are like fruit, and we’re all varying types. In other words, we’re the same yet different. We all come from different walks of life, and forming a family allows us to blend the things that make us unique to create something new.

Tips for Giving a Wedding Speech

Giving a speech is nerve-racking for nearly everyone—you’re not alone in feeling this. As you prepare your toast, follow in the footsteps of these characters, and aim to:

  • Introduce yourself and your relationship to the couple
  • Keep it personal and unique
  • Tell stories about the couple
  • Crack a few jokes
  • Don’t make it too long

The best speeches require planning, so start writing early so you have time to make changes and practice. Then, if you have doubts, do a trial run with a friend, your partner, or a member of the wedding party. Sometimes, we need a little nudge in the right direction to create a one-of-a-kind speech that’ll make everyone tear up. Best of luck writing!

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Everyday Bride

Freelance Writer
June 15, 2022

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