Wedding Cards: How To Write the Perfect Wedding Day Message

Wedding Cards: How To Write the Perfect Wedding Day Message

A thoughtful and heartfelt message in a wedding card can leave a lasting impression on the happy couple. As they begin their journey together, your words of love, encouragement, and wisdom can serve as a beautiful reminder of the support they have from their friends and family. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of crafting the perfect wedding day message that will be cherished for years to come.

Start With a Personal Touch

Begin your wedding card message by addressing the couple using their first names or nicknames. This personal touch sets the tone for an intimate and heartfelt message. If you’re closer to one person in the couple, consider including a few words directed specifically at them, acknowledging your special bond.

Some examples of a personal message opening include:

  • “Dear Emma and Tom,”
  • “To my dearest sister, Emily, and her wonderful husband-to-be, Jack,”

Express Your Congratulations and Joy

Next, it’s time to convey your congratulations and share your happiness for their union. Feel free to express your excitement and joy in your own way, whether that is through humor, sincerity, or a simple statement.

This portion can be as simple as saying “Congratulations on your wedding!” or something more specific to the couple, like “Your love for each other is truly inspiring. Congratulations on finding each other!”

Share a Personal Message or Memory

Sharing a special memory or anecdote about the couple adds a unique and personal touch to your wedding card message. This could be a moment that highlights their love, a memory, a joke, or a quality you admire in the couple.  

For instance, you could write something like “I’ll never forget the time you both helped me move to a new apartment. It’s a testament to your teamwork skills and the strength of your relationship.”

Everyday Bride Tip: If you’re related to one side of the couple’s family, express your joy at welcoming a new member.

Optional: Offer Words of Wisdom 

Including a piece of advice or a bit of wisdom in your wedding day message is a thoughtful—although optional—gesture. If you’re married or in a long-term relationship, you may want to draw from your own experiences or share a quote that resonates with you. Remember to keep it positive, inspirational, and relevant to the couple’s relationship. 

Some examples of advice and wisdom you could share include:

  • “Always remember to laugh together and never go to bed angry.”
  • “Marriage is not just about finding the right person, but also being the right person for each other.”

Close With Heartfelt Wishes for Their Future

As you conclude your wedding card message, offer your hopes and wishes for the couple’s future together. This can include hopes for their happiness, prosperity, success, and a lifetime of love. This is your final chance to really personalize your message for the newlywed couple. 

Sign Off With Love

Finally, end your message with an appropriate closing, such as “With love,” “Best wishes,” “Cheers,” or any other positive sentiment. The sign-off should match the tone of the overall message. And don’t forget to include your name so the couple knows who the heartfelt message is from. 

Here are a couple examples of a complete wedding card message:

Dear Jane and John,

Congratulations on your wedding day! Your love for each other is truly an inspiration. I’ll never forget the time you two helped me move into my new house, showing me what selfless love really looks like. I wish you a lifetime of joy, laughter, and endless love. Remember to always communicate, even when it’s hard. Cheers to your beautiful journey together!

With love, Emma


To Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

Congratulations on your marriage! Your partnership is a shining example of mutual respect and love. I wish you a future filled with prosperity and shared successes. May your bond grow stronger with each passing day.

Best wishes, George

By following these simple steps and adding a personal touch, you can write a perfect wedding day message that will surely leave a lasting and heartfelt impression. Let your words serve as a beautiful reminder of the love and support surrounding the new couple as they embark on their journey together.

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Everyday Bride

Freelance Writer
May 25, 2023

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