Frugal vs. Cheap: What’s the Difference When Planning a Wedding?

Frugal vs. Cheap: What’s the Difference When Planning a Wedding?

When it comes to wedding planning, there are two approaches that couples who want to save money can take: frugal or cheap. Frugality is all about being resourceful and getting the most value for your money. Cheapness is about scrimping and saving at the expense of quality or satisfaction.

The difference between frugal wedding planning and cheap wedding planning is vast. Frugal couples will research every option, get creative with decorations, and make their own food. Cheap couples will often go for the cheapest options available, even if they’re not the best options for them or their wedding.

Frugality is all about making your money work for you. It’s a more thoughtful way to plan a wedding, and it results in a more meaningful celebration with less stress. Cheapness may save you some money in the short term, but it will ultimately lead to disappointment and resentment.

Here are some frugal (not cheap) wedding planning tips:

Start by Setting a Budget and Sticking to It

Weddings are expensive, and for many couples, having one means taking on a lot of debt. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to plan a frugal yet fabulous wedding. The first step is to set a realistic budget and stick to it. Think carefully about your priorities and make sure that the essentials are covered. Avoid spending too much on nonessential or luxurious items.

Shop Around for the Best Prices on Everything From Catering to Flowers

Between all the catering and venue rentals, flowers, decorations, and other essentials, the costs of a wedding can quickly add up. But as any savvy bride knows, frugal wedding planning doesn’t have to mean forgoing your dreams or settling for cheap goods you don’t love. Instead, it simply means keeping an eye out for great deals and knowing where to look for high-quality items at affordable prices.

Consider Having a Smaller Wedding Instead of a Large One

Rather than opting for a large ceremony with hundreds of guests, consider having a smaller gathering that is elegant and beautiful but also budget friendly. Having a small wedding means you don’t need as much décor and can choose an affordable venue. With fewer guests, you can also save big on expenses like catering and rentals. And beyond saving money, there are plenty of other perks too. A small wedding lets you truly enjoy your special day without worrying about all the little details that can sink even the most organized bride or groom! Plus, since there will be fewer guests, you’ll have more time to spend with each other and each of the special people you invited.

Skip the Expensive Wedding Favors and Choose Something More Affordable

It may be tempting to go for expensive favors like silk flowers or personalized champagne flutes. However, these types of items can add up quickly and put a real strain on your budget. A more practical option is to choose something affordable but still meaningful and fun, like homemade cookies or small potted plants. These options help to save money without sacrificing style or joy, making them the perfect choice for any thrifty bride-to-be.

Make Your Own Centerpieces

There is another easy way to cut costs and have fun in the process: making your own centerpieces for the big day! By crafting beautiful centerpieces entirely from scratch, you will save money on pricey decorations and get to flex your creative muscles, putting your stamp on your special day. So get crafty with those table decorations!

Thinking outside the box is key when wedding planning on a budget. If you want to have an amazing wedding without spending a fortune, consider some of these frugal (but fabulous) tips! From sticking to a budget to shopping around for the best prices, there are plenty of ways to save money while still having the wedding of your dreams. So get creative and start planning today!

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Everyday Bride

Freelance Writer
October 12, 2022

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