Centerpieces on a Budget: 5 Tablescaping Tips

Centerpieces on a Budget: 5 Tablescaping Tips

As you plan your wedding, deciding on the decor for the reception is crucial since every couple wants guests to enter another breathtaking space after the ceremony. Your centerpieces help tie the theme together and make the reception look outstanding. The problem is weddings are expensive, so splurging on centerpieces likely doesn’t take priority. Don’t worry! We’ve noted incredible tablescaping tips to help couples pick centerpieces on a budget. 

Create Smaller Bouquets

One of the easiest ways to save money on natural floral bouquets is to make them smaller. Some couples do this by splitting a standard bouquet between two to three tables to make several little ones with mixed flowers. To make the centerpiece appear larger, use several small vases on each table and place them close together. This creates a clustered look and makes it appear that the centerpiece is larger.

Alternatively, you could use a single flower, such as an orchid, to decorate the table and add some non-floral greenery. By doing this, you create a simple yet sophisticated and elegant look.

Use Fake Flowers

Real flowers get expensive quickly, and you don’t get to enjoy them for very long since most wilt within a few days. Opting for fake flowers instead gives you more leeway in the budget as well as purchasing options. Some brides go to the craft store to purchase artificial flowers, then make individual bouquets. 

Alternatively, you could buy or rent your faux flowers from a vendor. Some florists will use artificial flowers to craft beautiful centerpieces if asked by the couple. When meeting with florists, inquire whether they offer this service or if they work strictly with natural flowers.

Consider Non-Floral Options

Although many couples have floral centerpieces, you can stray from what’s typical. Other beautiful options to use at your wedding include:

  • Candles
  • Lanterns
  • Painted wine bottles
  • Ostrich feathers

Get creative with your tablescape by mixing a few ideas. You could fill cylinder vases with water and place a tea light on top to make floating candles. Alternatively, you could repurpose old glass jars—paint them or put fairy lights inside.  

DIY Centerpieces

Whether you have real, artificial, or non-floral centerpieces, buying them already made can get pricey. Another tablescaping tip to keep your centerpieces on a budget is to create them! Websites such as Pinterest showcase countless great ideas, and many video tutorials on YouTube can help you make your centerpiece.

Everyday Bride Tip

Don’t try and take on all this work yourself. Instead, ask your partner or bridesmaids to join in. This is a fun way to connect leading up to the big day.

Seat More Guests at Each Table

Rather than have a lot of tables with a handful of guests at each, put more guests at a single table. This allows you to reduce the number of needed centerpieces. For example, if you have around 100 people at your wedding and sit 10 at a table, you’ll need only 10 tables and centerpieces.

When selecting tables, you’ll have to decide whether you prefer the look of round or rectangular. With the former option, you can place a single piece in the middle. However, with a long rectangular table, you may need two or three centerpieces evenly spaced apart to prevent the decor from appearing sparse.

Seating Tip

Understanding how to make the best reception seating chart keeps guests happy and comfortable as they eat. Most experts advise seating close relatives or friends together so everyone has someone to talk to.

A Closing Note

A lot of work goes into planning a wedding, which should always reflect you and your partner. Before you scope out the best centerpiece ideas, discuss how much you want to spend on this reception aspect. While making the space look beautiful is important, experience often comes first.

By the night’s end, guests will most remember the moment you said, “I do,” and all the fun they had celebrating your love. Enjoy every moment of wedding planning!

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Everyday Bride

Freelance Writer
July 13, 2023

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