5 Thoughtful Ways To Say Thank You to Your Wedding Vendors

5 Thoughtful Ways To Say Thank You to Your Wedding Vendors

Planning a wedding is challenging, but what about the people who make those wedding dreams come true? Wedding vendors are literally the backbone of your big day. These wedding vendors took all your ideas and Pinterest inspiration and brought them to life. These vendors include your catering team, makeup artist, florist, and others who helped create the perfect day.

If you’re struggling to find the perfect way to show appreciation, here are five thoughtful ways to thank your wedding vendors.

Write Meaningful Thank-You Notes

Writing a meaningful thank-you note is a great way to show appreciation. While writing a generic thank-you message will suffice, you should detail how they helped make your wedding planning easier.

There’s no better way to personalize and highlight the many things they did to ensure your wedding dreams come true. Your thank-you card should address why you appreciate their work. Make sure to write these notes before the reception so you can pass them out.

Leave a Tip After the Reception

Many newlyweds commonly share their thanks by leaving a generous tip after the reception. These vendors worked hard to ensure your food was fresh, the drinks flowed, and the decorations were intact. Tips should be on a case-by-case basis, especially if one vendor goes above and beyond. If you plan on leaving tips, make sure you budget that out before your wedding day. This way, you can put them in separate envelopes so it’s neat and organized when handing them out.

Share and Refer Their Work to Others

One of the best ways to thank your wedding vendors is by sharing their business. If you and your vendor have a positive relationship, they may ask if you could serve as a reference. Business owners typically build their clientele through word of mouth and giving them exposure could help them tremendously.

You can share your experience through a social media post that details all the responsibilities they handled. Whether you have one or 12,000 followers, you never know how much that post can help your business. Sharing your experience can help others planning their wedding find a wedding planner, caterer, or bakery!

Send Them a Thank-You Gift

Who doesn’t like a nice gift? If you had an exceptional experience with your wedding vendor, express gratitude by sending them a thank-you gift. Sending your vendor a gift isn’t mandatory, but you should consider it if you have wiggle room in your budget. The gift should be genuine and from the heart but also simple.

Consider sending a bouquet, a gift card to their favorite place, or a gift basket. Whoever receives the gift will be grateful for your kind gesture. You can also gift them tasty treats like cookies or a couple of candles—the price of the gift doesn’t matter as long as the gesture is genuine.

Thank Your Vendors During the Reception

Don’t wait until the wedding is over to show your gratitude. Publicly recognizing the vendors while the party is still going is a great way to say thank you. When everyone is eating and the select few give their toasts, you and your significant other can take a moment to thank the ones who made everything possible. From the florist to the catering team, they all worked hard to ensure your day went smoothly.

While planning a wedding is hard work, a team of people made your dream a reality. From the wedding planner to the bartender to the baker who made your cake, they all took the time to ensure your wedding remains unforgettable. That’s why it’s important to thank those who made it possible.

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Everyday Bride

Freelance Writer
March 23, 2023

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