3 Dos (and 3 Don’ts) of Writing Wedding Toasts

3 Dos (and 3 Don’ts) of Writing Wedding Toasts

Writing a wedding toast is both an honor and a daunting task. You want to express your heartfelt congratulations while also entertaining the crowd. It’s no small feat! That said, you can do it with grace and poise if you keep in mind some key dos and don’ts of writing wedding toasts.

In this blog post, we will provide you with three important dos and three crucial don’ts for writing the perfect wedding toast. You’ll leave everyone laughing, crying tears of joy, or simply nodding their heads in agreement as they celebrate the happy couple on their special day. So let’s get started!


1. Do Personalize Your Toast to the Couple

Personalizing your wedding toast to the couple will make their special day even brighter. Taking the time to craft a heartfelt, remarkable toast isn’t just a nice gesture—it shows the bride and groom how much they mean to you. A personalized wedding toast can touch the hearts of all in attendance, especially the couple. It’s your chance as an honored guest to give a speech packed with nostalgia and sentiment, reflecting upon why this union should forever be celebrated.

2. Do Prepare in Advance and Practice What You Will Say Out Loud

When writing a wedding toast, it is important to practice ahead of time. This will help you feel comfortable and confident in front of the crowd. Taking time to create the content of your toast and rehearsing it out loud is a great way to ensure your speech comes across as heartfelt, sincere, and eloquent. It will also keep everyone entertained and smiling. Even if you don’t have much public speaking experience, preparing your toast in advance will help tame any jitters or nerves before delivering it.

3. Do Keep It Short and Sweet

Writing a wedding toast is tough, but there’s one piece of advice that can help you get through it with ease: keep it short and sweet. No one wants to listen to a long, drawn-out speech, especially during such a celebratory occasion. Instead, deliver your speech in three to five minutes so you can keep the attention of everyone in attendance while allowing room for heartfelt remarks. Keeping things brief will also help you act more naturally and confidently while speaking.


1. Don’t Be Overly Sentimental

When writing a wedding toast, keep your sentimentality in check. Being overly emotional can make the toast uncomfortable for guests, divert attention away from the happy couple, or even come off as insincere. What matters most is speaking positively and honestly about the newlyweds and their relationship—strong emotions are great, but express them with restraint. Laughing together at shared memories also goes a long way toward sharing the joy on such a celebratory day.

2. Don’t Ramble

While it may be tempting to try and tell the entire story of the couple on their special day, your audience has likely heard it before. They don’t want to hear you deliver an epic soliloquy! Avoid rambling during your speech and get to the point quickly. After all, this is a celebration, not an endurance test!

3. Don’t Forget To Mention Other Important People in the Couple’s Life

A great way to show your love and best wishes for the couple is to mention other important people in their life. This could be a close, supportive family member, a childhood friend who remembers their funny escapades, or even a current mentor who has imparted invaluable wisdom. Incorporating all these incredible factors that have led the couple to this moment will demonstrate your thoughtfulness and warmth, making for an unforgettable wedding toast!

Writing a wedding toast does not have to be an intimidating task. By following the dos and don’ts of writing wedding toasts, you can create a heartfelt speech that will make the bride and groom feel special on their big day. It is important to personalize your speech for the couple, practice what you want to say in advance, and avoid being overly sentimental or too long winded. With these tips under your belt, you’ll be more ready than ever with all the tools necessary for crafting an unforgettable wedding toast!

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Everyday Bride

Freelance Writer
March 20, 2023

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